190 DD CCA, next to Jamia Mosque, DHA Phase 4 Sector CCA Dha Phase 4, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
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Monday - Saturday
9:00am To 9
Sunday 12:00pm To 6:00pm
Moles and treatment
Moles are also called “nevi”. Almost every adult has a few moles. People with light skin often have more moles. They may have 10 to 40 moles on their skin. This is normal. There are different kinds of moles. Some moles are benign (safe) while others are dangerous (malignant). Some are in between – meaning they are devious and can become dangerous if left alone. Our highly competent skin specialists and cosmetic surgeons have vast experience in mole detection and tackling as they have evaluated and treated all different kinds of moles for over a decade in the western hemisphere, where moles are more prevalent—(In Caucasian / white population). It is extremely important to get the proper evaluation of the mole before the removal is considered. Sometimes the results are so remarkable, that it is difficult for even us to determine where we performed the surgery. Our goal is to the make a mole less noticeable and remove it in a way, it all ends in minimal to nil scarring. We strive our best to virtually eliminate the scars and moles as much as possible using the most advanced techniques and technology available anywhere in the world and , by the Grace of God, to date have never disappointed our patients.
Important to know?
You should not be overly concerned about your moles. But you should know:
When to consider mole removal?
Most moles do not require treatment. A dermatologist will remove a mole only if:
-It bothers a patient (rubs against clothing, etc.)
-A patient finds unattractive.
-Could be skin cancer.
A dermatologist can remove a mole during an office visit. A few moles will require a second visit. A dermatologist can safely and easily remove a mole. A dermatologist will use one of following procedures:
Surgical excision: In this method a dermatologist cuts out the entire mole and stitches the skin to close. If the dermatologist suspects that the mole contains cancer, the dermatologist will send the removed mole sample to a lab. It will be examined under a microscope. This is called a biopsy.
Surgical shave: In this method, dermatologist uses a surgical blade to remove the mole.
Never try to shave off a mole at home, it can cause complications.
Here’s why you should never try to shave off a mole at home:
Radiofrequency® treatment is one of the latest ways to get rid of moles without damaging the surrounding skin. We use the best Radiofrequency device imported from Ellman, USA. We are, by the Grace of God, the only center in Pakistan using this cutting edge technology. Radio Surgery (Radiofrequency or Radiowave Surgery) is used to remove moles, warts, skin tags and other so called ‘lumps and bumps’.
It involves the passage of radio waves into the skin to perform the removal or reshaping of a lesion. Different types of electrodes are used depending on the type of lesion, e.g. fine needle, wire loop, scalpel blade etc.
Expect minor swelling, redness, bruising and tenderness in the area for a few days as it heals. There should not however be any bleeding due to the tissue coagulation during treatment.
Private prices for radiosurgery will depend upon the size and condition being treated.
After a mole is removed, the skin will heal. If the mole grows back, immediately make another appointment to see your dermatologist. This is a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer.
Dermatologists recommend the following to their patients:
If you notice a mole on your skin that is changing, or bleeding, its time to see a dermatologist. These are signs of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Melanoma can be cured, if caught early. Without treatment melanoma can spread. This can be deadly.
Protect your skin from the sun. It is believed that being out in the sun increases the number of moles on your skin. And we know that the sun causes skin cancer. Tanning beds and sun lamps also cause skin cancer. An easy way to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer is to skip getting a tan. You also should wear sunscreen every day.
Things to do before visiting a dermatologist for mole treatment: